Can Cereal Mold?

Can Cereal Mold? [2023 Updated!]

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Cereal, the first meal of the day, should be a nutritious one. Cereals are also an important ingredient in many other meals.

One should know the importance of eating quality cereals at breakfast time.

Have you got a bulk of them and wondering if your cereals can get mold?

Let’s find out now!

Can Cereal Mold?

Yes, it can! If the cereal has moisture in it, then it can mold.  If you see some sort of strange discoloration in your cereal, then it is time to throw it away.

Most cereals have cardboard used to prevent breaking, but if moisture got into that cereal, then that card board easily breaks down, making it susceptible to mold.  Most cereal packaging is air tight to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

So if you notice something is strange, don’t question it, just throw it away.  And it goes without saying, but children are more susceptible to getting sick from something like this, so keep this in mind too.

It might take a little extra time for you to sort through everything and find the moldy piece of cereal, but your health is worth it!

3 Best Popular Choice For Cereals

Quaker, Cap’n Crunch, Peanut Butter
Lucky Charms Gluten Free Cereal
Honey Nut Cheerios Heart Healthy Cereal

1.      Refrigerated

Many people don’t realize that cereal is actually one of the most perishable foods, and can go bad in no time. You should ideally keep your cereal in a cool, dry place like a pantry, but if you live somewhere warm or even just want to store it for an extended period of time in the fridge, you should know what to look out for.

Mold is enemy when it comes to cereal. It can grow quite quickly in the fridge or especially when it’s combined with the milk and then refrigerated.

2.      Short On Expiry

Cereal is a breakfast staple for many American families, but you may want to check the expiration date on your favorite cereal box before eating it.

The reason that expired cereal can grow mold is because of a preservative called calcium propionate.

This additive prevents mold from growing for as long as possible, and it can extend shelf life by up to 18 months. The downside of this preservative is that once the package has been opened (or if it’s exposed to moisture), oxygen can get inside and begin to break down the cereal. That’s when mold begins to form.

3.      Get In Appropriate Quantities

Your favorite cereal may not be as good for you as you think! In fact, it might actually be better for your health to buy a whole bunch of little boxes of the stuff rather than one big one.

Cereal is a staple in most homes, but sometimes we can get stuck in a rut and start eating the same thing every morning until we get sick of it.

Buying in bulk is often cheaper if you’re going to consume all of that cereal before it goes bad, but when it comes to cereal that isn’t true. That’s because once you open up the pack it can attract mold quite quickly so it’s better to buy them in appropriate quantities.



