Tag: Bitter
Why My Fried Garlic Is Bitter? [2023 Updated!]
Fried food is tasty. It’s a fact. Fried food tastes good, and everyone loves it. We all know that deep-fried foods are delicious, but they also have a negative connotation in our society. We associate them with being unhealthy and bad for us, so we avoid eating fried foods at all costs. However, the fact…
Why Does Garlic Taste Bitter? [2023 Updated!]
Did you know that garlic is the world’s most popular herb? It has been used for centuries as an antiseptic, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory. Garlic lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, helps lower blood sugars in diabetics, lowers triglycerides, boosts immunity, reduces the risk of heart disease, prevents cancer cells from dividing and spreading, protects against…